Registration & Account
How to register my tracker from Trakbond website?
To register your locator from Trakbond website, you just follow few easy steps that are mentioned below: Go to and click on login tab present on the menu. Visit the login page and go to "Create Account". Fill in your details and ...
What do I do with my Trakbond locator when I first receive it?
Once you receive your locator, follow three simple steps mentioned below and your locator is ready to use. Step 1- Register the device at Step 2- Charge the device for 2-3 hours and switch it ON. Step 3- Attach the device, ...
How do I activate my Trakbond device?
To activate your Trakbond locator, you need to follow the steps mentioned below: 1. First, fully charge your device before turning it on. 2. Then, go to our website and click on the sign-up button. 3. In the registration page, fill ...