Does Trakbond Trail work the same in all locations?
No. Trakbond trail receives the best signal in open areas like parks, schools, and roof where there is less hindrance.
It shows real position with +/- 5-meter accuracy when receives the optimal GPS signal, however, in case of weak GPS signal, the accuracy may vary from 5 meters to 20 meters and sometimes up to 100 in extreme cases.
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Does Trakbond work indoors?
No, Trakbond doesn’t work indoors due to weak GPS signal reception. But once it goes outdoors it again starts the tracking process.
How to switch on Trakbond Trail & Trail+?
The switch on method is different for both the models: Trakbond Trail To switch on the Trail model, you've to press the 3-4 seconds till the time Blue/Green light starts blinking. Trakbond Trail+ To switch on the Trail model, you've to press the ...
What is the weight of Trakbond Trail & Trail+?
The weight of the Trakbond Trail is 40gm and Trakbond Trail+ is 50gm.
Will Trakbond work in any country?
Trakbond device comes with pre-installed SIM card that works all over India. If you are travelling to a different country for a limited period of time, you need to install your own personal SIM card with active GPRS plan and International Roaming ...
What is the difference between Trakbond Trail and Trail +?
Usage: Trakbond Trail is specially designed for smaller kids (2 - 8 years) who have preschools/schools in proximity to home thus requires to be tracked for few hours (6 -8 hours) per day by the parents. Whereas Trakbond Trail+ is specially designed ...